That's a good question. I'm doing, well I should say WAS doing, homework for my final project for Career Portfolio Class. Over the semester I've written all the material I'll need for the project. I'm just going back and polishing them to make them actually presentable and usable material.
However, I'm taken aback at the elusive topic "Why do I do music?" and the difficulty of trying to present an accurate artistic statement. I could in reality write half a dozen artistic statements and each one be completely different than the one before. In fact I have, and they are all completely different. While that might not be bad, it's not exactly helpful. So, I'm in the process of digging deeper. What are the bare bones- the constants? What keeps me coming back to what I do, even when I don't feel like it?
I'll be honest. I've realized I've not been completely comfortable with combining my spiritual statements with my music statements. It is from a fear that I will be written off, won't be taken seriously/professionally, or that it would create unnecessary prejudice. But, as I'm growing in my walk, I've realized how much I want to be known for belonging to Christ first before anything else. And, that goes for music too. I want whatever I do to be to the glory of God. I want whatever I do to mirror the love God has for me.
So, there's my constant. The best constant of them all: Jesus.
Lord knows I want to live a gospel centered life. I want my artistic statement to be gospel centered. I've realized that I don't always live out what I have written in my artistic statement. But, I want to. Now comes the challenge. Putting this all together (in less than 1 page) in a coherent effective way, that describes who I am by what I believe in. Trust me, it's harder than you'd expect. I haven't been satisfied with what I've done yet. But, I got a couple more days. Wish me luck.