Saturday, May 26, 2012

What's in a name?

I know I'm not in the least bit consistent with writing on here, but when the the inspiration comes, I go with it. I just finished reading a blog about names being prophetic. The line between the name making the person and the person making the name can be blurry. Either way I would agree that it seems to happen, and I think it's pretty cool.

I periodically think about the meaning of my name, but lately I've been thinking about it a lot. In fact, it's been a big part of my prayer life. Growing up, my parents were good to remind me why they named me what they did. When my mother was pregnant with me she came across:
Isaiah 55:12 "For you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace; The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you, and the trees of the fields will clap their hands."
I was named after joy and peace.

All that said, I think it's pretty empowering knowing God had this name for me. I want to actively live my name, so that when people see me they see they see the attributes of God. It's a pretty tall order, but that's what I'm praying for.

So, I know what I was named after. But, my parents still had to choose a name to fit those attributes. So, what do the names my parents chose mean?

Rachel- Little Lamb, gentle innocence, poetically: beautiful, well-favored,

Lindsay- My mother told me growing up it meant, refreshing stream. The camp near the stream, from the Linden Tree Island. I had no idea what a linden tree was so I looked them up. Jimmy's blog had something on trees too. Apparently the language of flowers lists American Linden meaning matrimony. Interesting...

Fellows- is a name given to a friend and comrade. From the Old English word Feolaza, it means partner or shareholder. If this isn't good enough, my favorite part is the surname motto: Patience and Perseverance with Magnanimity.

I love how perseverance is the core of what my Scottish heritage motto is: Disce Pati which means learn to suffer. A better translation is learn to endure.

I don't know about you, but I love definitions. Fellows had some big words that are worth delving into and processing.
1. the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like.
2. an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner.
3. quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence: to work with patience.

1. steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
2. Theology . continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation.

1. generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness: to be magnanimous toward one's enemies.
2. high-minded; noble: a just and magnanimous ruler.
3. proceeding from or revealing generosity or nobility of mind, character, etc.: a magnanimous gesture of forgiveness.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Day Older

So I woke up yesterday, after the 3rd night in my new house, and honestly forgot about my birthday. It wasn't until a while later getting ready for Tennis with Joelle that I was like "Oh, yeah. I'm 25 today." Weird. Scary. Birthdays make me think thoughts of "shouldn't I have things figured out by now?" Of course it's all swallowed up by a conforming feeling that it's just another day.Of course another day closer to the undetermined but looming idea that by "this point" I'll have my dreams "truly figured out" and materialized.
I'll be a grown up-be mature as required by the amount of life experience lived. Because obviously the longer we live on this earth the less we should be able to break out of our self made idea boxes and do just whatever we feel like. Whether that's walk down the street like a loony and oh, I don't know, stop to smell the roses, look at them dissect them (and the bugs), draw them, imagine the world as a flower .

What confuses me most is figuring out my dreams seems to be the hardest part. At what point do I, as a responsible Christian, citizen, daughter, and sister take the dept and expectations I have and start returning them whatever way I can?
If I have a dream- say I do- What if it's completely different than what everyone else (intentional or not) has decided and anticipated on me following. This road, different than the road traveled, is breath taking. Like punching, wind knocking, look over a cliff breath taking. But I can't stop looking in that direction.

God, I'm a people pleaser.

It's really easier to do what man tells you to do. If it goes bad, it's not only not your fault but you have the permanent scape goat that if you had been following your own gut or "thought" about praying you could have done the impossible.

Following God is completely life threatening. There's no holding back, for if you do you lose it all. You follow  God or you don't. But, does following God always secure the successful ending? The ending where all's as it should be "happy with everything in its place"? Dream's trophies on the mantle, shining in the glory of a life well lived.
Sadly, no. Or, is it sad?

Here's a thought I heard from a musician speaker at church: There's nothing like living within reach of your dream. Failure is never an option when you're living what you want most. But the idea of that failure never goes away. And it so successfully keeps those who can't stand losing the game they want, to play half heartedly at the games they weren't made for, and don't love.

Theory, jazz improv, composition, all of these things I need to be doing. They make me think, make me learn to employ what I want to do when I want to do it.

In the last few months I've been thinking a lot about suffering. And, I guess that's the deal. Living a life I was made for and it not be appreciated, acknowledged, or whatever is the thing that brings us closest to the feelings of Christ at the cross.
Now, is that what God wants us to feel and experience? At this point I'm adamantly screaming, "That CAN'T be right! Surely that's not what He has planned for me."

But, the world is full of "failures". Is our view of success so warped by sin that we don't know it when we see it? Or is it that mysterious idea that losing at our game, the one we have planned out for ourselves, is really winning. What about "give your best to the Lord"? Of course He wants it. Duh. But to think our best is going to do anything. Anything! Well that seems wrong.

I got another Elizabeth Elliot book: "Let me be a woman" I'm interested and scared by what she has to say. I don't like what she says half the time (while I know that it's good). Then the other half I can barely swallow it, it seems so unnecessarily restricting. I don't know. Her books make me think.

I think about how Jim Elliot died. Did he fulfill his dream? His dream was to follow the Lord. But, within that dream (I think it's safe to say), he wanted people to come to Christ in the jungle. So dying at the very hands of the people he wanted to save- is that not completely failing? Anyone with any wisdom would realize, of course not. Those who got saved did so because he died. He made an impact for Christ because he failed. By failing he won. By Jim failing Christ won that day.

And that's the point where I really do question myself. Is my dream, first, to follow Christ? Am I ready to die for that? At this point I usually retort why couldn't Jim have run away? Would that be a sin? Would that be wrong? But, then knowing how it turned out with him dying, would him living have been as fruitful?

God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Only God is in charge of life and death.
I just don't understand when saving/trying to save our life is ever a good idea. Is it ever? Will it ever lead to as powerful a manifestation of God's glory? I don't have the answers. I'm only 25 and a couple of hours. God you know things, you see things, you do things that I have no concept of. Let me know what you know, let me see what you see, and let me do what you do. If I cannot, give me the strength, faith, and boldness to live that knowing you is enough. That knowing you and following you is enough.

Monday, May 21, 2012

My 25

So, it's my birthday and here's my obligatory birthday posting. I woke up this morning legitimately forgetting that it was my birthday. Wasn't until later that I realized, "oh yeah, I'm 25 years old today".

Most of my birthday posts revolve around the consistent topic of adulthood, responsibility, the future, and my general confusion as to why I keep expecting myself to know what I'm doing.
But, that's all been said before. It's all the same, changing slightly with each year of course, but generally the same. Instead I thought I would talk about what God gave me this morning.

If you could ask for a gift what would it be? Well, right now I can't think of one much better than an answer to prayer. I realize I'd been asking and praying for a lot of things lately. Look back at your journal sometime, you'll be shocked at all that goes through your mind and heart. I realized earlier this year that there are a few things I want to do and to be known for. Even if it's just between me and God. Some of them might seem unconnected, but here they are: embody the name God gave me- peace, be a prolific letter writer, be a woman of faith, be a woman of prayer, be bold for Christ, commune with God more, love and know my family better, and lead my school friends to the Lord.

God gave me some answers to prayer today that really were some of the best birthday gifts I could have asked for. This past week has been a stressful whirlwind in more ways than I can count. But, on top of it all, the blessings have been pouring out from every direction. It has been such a blessing to breath in the peace that God has had just waiting for me.

Monday night, Hannah's and my town house flooded. Every room, except mine, flooded to some degree. Nothing was permanently damaged except the flooring. Not even my computer which happened to be sitting in the middle of a puddle on the floor when I found it. None the less, being invaded by natural disaster is inconvenient, to say the least, as well as disruptive. Hannah and I were forced to move out after 2 days due to ripped up flooring, wretched smell, and headaches from the mildew. God was good to have a house ready and waiting for me and available to Hannah for her last week in town.

Thursday, I left town for an orchestra gig for the weekend. It was difficult staying in a hotel when I hadn't packed well due to the mess of "real" packing and not being able to find anything. Not to mention, my poor roommates being left with all of my boxes everywhere. There's only one thing I hate more than packing, and that's unpacking.

Today, my birthday, my Grandpa passes away. He was suffering from Alzheimer's, deafness, blindness, skin cancer, diabetes, and who knows what else. I rest in the fact that he is with the Lord today.

The answers to prayer really start back with Christmas. Over Christmas break I prayed and decided I was changing churches. How is that an answer to prayer? Well, I had been wanting to know my parents more and be able to to talk to them about important spiritual things. This provided a wonderful opportunity to do that. I had a lot of questions as far as why we stayed at the churches we did growing up, what my parents liked about certain churches, what they looked for, and even what they believed in. It was very a great way to get to know my parents more. And for that I am so thankful. I think and hope that it has opened doors for further future exploration and discussion.

I look over the past semester and am also reminded of God's assurance and provision in supplying the boldness I need in the situations he wants to use me in. From running and encouraging in the park, street reach downtown, personally praying with and for my neighbors, to talking and sharing my testimony with my  friends. It really is about following God in faith in the day to day. God is good. He's been answering my prayer without me even fully realizing it.

I have loved writing letters ever since I can remember. I still get so excited when I get a letter in the mail. But, for whatever reason, whether feeling like it's out of fashion, to feeling like I don't have the time, I haven't written a real letter since High School. This semester alone, I have written countless letters to friends encouraging them with prayer, verses, inspiring quotes, or whatever else I can find. And you know what I've realized? First of all, people love getting letters. In letters you can be as sentimental as a Hallmark card or as inspirational and encouraging as you wish you could be all the time. I write how I wish I could speak and say the things I wish I could say. God's been good about reminding me to stop wishing and to start doing. Even if it's as little as a writing a letter. As long as I start doing, he can use it.

Prayer. I can't wrap my head around it. And, I don't intend to anytime soon. After having some incredible encouraging words from the Lord through trusted friends, I realized God is waiting for me to ask. "Ask and you shall receive". God has things waiting for me, that He's eager to give to me when I ready enough to ask for it. I'll hit the most recent highlights. My roommate applied for a fellowship in NY that is not only an awesome opportunity for experience but centralizes her for prime career and employment advancement following the internship. She didn't get it. But, when I heard about that, I heard God say "Pray for that. I'm going to give that to her." Personally, I was a little confused. "But, God, if you're gonna give that to her, why do I need to pray for it?" Well, God said, in the way that He does to me sometimes, reminding me who's in charge "Just do it." Okay, God, you got it. Sure enough, in 2 weeks she gets an email saying she's been accepted! How awesome is that? I still can't get around God's goodness and how when God says something He follows through.

After all that spiritual goodness I feel like I can't not have a year's hopeful to-do list on my birthday post. So here some things that I want for the upcoming year: learn Spanish, write and learn to public speak better and more confidently (speaking in front of people scares me more than anything I can think of), memorize more of the Bible, and continue pursuing and developing non-traditional musical outlets.

So, yeah. This is what God has been and is doing in my life right now.