This past week as been such a blessing. There have been so many things, there's no way I could talk about them all. I'm really excited about what God's done, and what he's going to do.
I've been thinking about changing churches for a few months. After praying about it, I felt like God wanted me to stay at my old church until the end of the year. Partly because there were some commitments I needed to fulfill and also the end of the year made itself an opportune time to make the transition.
This past week, I went to Sunday service for the first time at my "new" church. Now, I've visited churches before and it is always inevitably awkward. But, to be honest, this time it was wasn't so bad. The typical scenario includes you timing your entrance perfectly: not too early, so you don't wait around awkwardly; but not to late either, so you're not that disruptive person that everyone turns around and stares at. You walk in (4 minutes till service to be precise) and you don't know anyone. After you hastily take the usher's bulletin, you look around looking for an empty seat desperately trying not to look like a "visitor". Sitting down you crane you neck looking around searching for any familiar faces. My favorites are the time you realize that you're sitting in someone else's "area". Like that time when you look up and realizing you're surrounded by multiple children climbing over you and make the connection that this is where their family sits every week (unbeknownst to you). "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see your name on the bench. My bad." Then ensues that sheepish shuffle across the pews to make room for everyone.
Oh, and I almost forgot about the best awkward thing--church worship. You know when the band starts the music and you realize you've never heard the song they're about to sing? You can't sing the melody, in fact you can't seem to even say the words at the right time. So, you wind up standing there in service, mouthing watermelon to yourself. Or worse yet, you're silent with a blank look on your face, certain that you look like an obstinate cold hearted heathen. When really, you would love to sing along, you just have no idea how the song goes...
Well, this didn't really happen this time. Since I've been going to Lifegroup during the week, I've had the opportunity to get to know some people. While still pretty early in the friendship phase, it's far enough along to ask to sit next to them. Plus, when it came to worship, I was familiar with about half the songs because I'd heard them before at Lifegroup. That other half that I didn't know the melody? Well, I got up and danced to those. It was pretty awesome.
While my experience was certainly an unusual way to get to know a church before... going to church, I like it. I've also been listening to the online sermon podcasts for a number of months. So, it feels like I've been going for a while. Whatever the case, I'm really excited. I can't wait for the upcoming weeks. :)
As a side note, I think I've been reading too much Jon Acuff lately. I feel like oddly resembles a Stuff Christians Like post...
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